
  “Didn’t see that coming。”这句超级固定用法,表示“真没料到会发生这个哦,没想到结局是这样的哦。”

  按照牛津高阶词典的解释,see something coming = to realize that there’s going to be a problem before it happens。


  We should have seen it coming。 There was no way he could keep going under all that pressure。 我们早该料到的,他不可能在那么大的压力下坚持下去。

  后面Guy又说了一句“Twist ending。”这里的twist指一个故事或者情况在发展中出乎意料的转折(an unexpected change or development in a story or situation)。比如说:

  The story has taken another twist。

  The twists and turns of his political career have made him stronger。

  如果你是个电影迷,那么freak out这个短语你肯定不会陌生。它很常用的意思是“害怕,吓坏”,不过还可以表示其他很强烈的情感,比如shocked或者surprised。

  那我们再来墨迹一下freak这个词儿。它作为名词的时候,除了表示“怪人”,还可以指“对某一事物喜爱到不行的人”(a person with a very strong interest in a particular subject)。


  control freak:a person who always wants to be in control of their own and others' lives, and to organize how things are done。

  Neat freak: 有洁癖的人。