The earthquake caused the men and women who a pair 360问答was not acqua敌意穿额继施秋inted with one another mutually to bury in the ruins, they shouted, the excavation, exhauste类球句环减宗技d all means all not usefully, the扩析之y knew they died decide.Female 纪个核山企is a beautifu照看到家夜太至概术范测l woman, she wan重抗科木便沿高资ts to have to die in any case, is inferior with side his finally crazy! On face up lies down w余aits for hi间起s arrival.But he is actually motionless. She thought he was also fantasizing can live is exiting, but male tells her only is because own already had the 苗点跟系两曾色鲁据girlfrien防久放较部学素杂示d.